
Conceal Carry Class

The world is getting more and more crazy. I have no intention of toting a gun around everywhere I go, however there are times and places where I need the boost of confidence and level of security a firearm provides. Yes, it's a warm feeling.

My father and I decided to take a class together, and then apply for our Enhanced Conceal Carry permit. This will give us the ability to carry our firearms anywhere a law officer can legally carry one. The instructor was Kevin Owens here in North Mississippi, and he knows his stuff.

After the classroom portion of the day, which I believe lasted for 4 hours, we went to the field for a few hours and went through several training scenarios. I learned a lot, and found the whole experience very worthwhile.

I'm glad I took hearing protection! If you're considering doing this, I would recommend it. Carrying a gun is one thing. Knowing the laws and the best way to carry and use is a whole other thing. It was all covered in the class.

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