
Kitchen Drawer Divider

My utensil drawer was a very sad case. And making photos and a blog post were the last thing on my mind at the time. So.... I failed to get a before picture. But, I had one of those store-bought trays in there, and it did keep my forks and spoons together, but it wasn't a flush fit. So other things also had a tendency to gather in the drawer. Before long, it was an unorganized mess. I already had one junk drawer. So this planned-out, custom fitted divider tray was the solution.

These pieces of wood were all cut from a 2x4. That's the beauty of having a table saw! No need to worry about trying to cut grooves or anything like that. After I cut the bottom piece of 1/8" plywood, I played out everything on it like I wanted it, then penciled in where I wanted the dividers to fit. Glued it together, and didn't even bother putting a finish on it. I have since lined the bottom to keep the silverware from sliding as bad when opening and closing.

This is shallow enough, I can go back an add a slider on top of this if additional storage is needed in the drawer. As for now, it's exactly what I need here.

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