
Tool Box Restoration

This old toolbox spent years in a shed, completely ravaged by the elements. Painting it didn't make it function any better, but it sure brought the appearance up a few notches.

The first thing I did was clean it up really good. Once it was clean and dry, I covered it with two coats of Self-Etching Primer. I bought this because the guy in a Youtube video I watched used this same product for he same thing.

And gave it two good coats on both the inside and outside of the box.

After taping off the handle and fastener, I hit it with a couple of coats of this bright red. I also repainted the handle, fastener, and hinges with silver spray paint.

It turned out pretty good. Big improvement. I apologize for the bland writing. If I can improve my writing as much as I improved this tool box, we'll be getting somewhere.

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